We Continue the Work of Those
Who Were the First.

  • Electrotechnics
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Light & Lighting
  • Power Engineering
  • Transportation
  • Automation
  • Communication
  • Smart Buildings
  • Industry
  • Innovation

Current issue

ELEKTRO 12/2021 was released on December 1st 2021. Its digital version will be available immediately.

Topic: Measurement, testing, quality care

Market, trade, business
What to keep in mind when changing energy providers

SVĚTLO (Light) 6/2021 was released 11.29.2021. Its digital version will be available immediately.

Fairs and exhibitions
Designblok, Prague International Design Festival 2021
Journal Světlo Competition about the best exhibit in branch of light and lighting at FOR ARCH and FOR INTERIOR fair

Professional literature
The new date format for luminaires description

Magazines FCC

FCC Public Ltd. (founded 1991) - publishing house whose activities are focused on the entire spectrum of electrical engineering and related fields.

FCC Public publishes

  • Book titles dealing with all topics of electrical engineering, lighting, alternative energy, management, etc.
  • Professional magazines ELEKTRO and SVĚTLO
  • Organizes conferences, seminars and other special events
  • Etc.

ELEKTRO (estab. 1991 as a result of fusion of two technical magazines – Elektrotechnický obzor /Electrical Horizon – estab. 1910 and Elektrotechnik/Electrician – estab. 1946) monthly, devoted to all aspects of electrical engineering.

SVĚTLO (LIGHT – estab. 1998) bimonthly, focused on light and lighting.

Magazines are published in printed version (regular edition: ELEKTRO – 5000, SVĚTLO - 2000 units) as well as in electronic form and distributed to Czech and Slovak market. Distribution of our magazines in the Czech and Slovak Republic based on subscription and at seminars, conferences and trade fairs at home and abroad for free, proved very useful. 

Electronic versions of both magazines are anytime freely available on our web to everyone and anywhere:


The electronic version of the journal greatly expands the readership of the printed version. In addition, it provides direct access from customer information and advertising to its website. The electronic version can be expanded by multimedia features and other marketing tools.

The website of FCC Public (www.odbornecasopisy.cz) regularly publishes news releases, news in the field, etc., occupies leading position in attendance and evaluation (see www.alexa.comwww.similarweb.com) on the market.

Space in our professional journals and on our website is in addition to regular content also available for presentation of companies operating on the Czech market (whether in form of advertising or commercial technical articles), as well as offers free platform for discussion and for professional associations to communicate with general public. 

FCC Public regularly participates as an exhibitor, media partner and co-organizer of the accompanying program at number of important trade fairs in the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic and elsewhere in Europe.

We cooperate closely with industry, professional associations and educational and academic institutions. To our magazines and books contribute significant number of authors from research and practice and competent personalities from professional institutions. Independence and economic self-sufficiency of FCC Public are important arguments in the evaluation of professional quality of the published content.