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Program 5. mezinárodní konference Solaris 2011


Pátá mezinárodní konference o solárním záření a denním osvětlení Solaris 2011 se koná na Fakultě stavební VUT v Brně ve dnech 10. a 11. srpna 2011. Konference se koná pod záštitou děkana Fakulty stavební Vysokého učení technického v Brně prof. Ing. Rostislava Drochytky, CSc.

Pořádání konferencí Solaris má více než osmiletou tradici:
Solaris 2003 – Edinburgh, Velká Británie,
Solaris 2005 – Atény, Řecko,
Solaris 2007 – Dilí, Indie, Solaris 2008 – Hongkong, Čína

Hlavní tematické okruhy konference jsou:
solární záření a denní osvětlení – měření, modelování hodnocení, zraková a tepelná pohoda v budovách, energie ze slunce a úspory energie.


10. 8. 2011

08:30 až 9:00 registrace
09:00 až 9:15 zahájení konference
09:15 až 9:30 z historie pořádání konferencí Solaris
09:30 až 10:30 vyzvané přednášky
11:00 až 12:30 přednášky a výstava
13:30 až 15:00 přednášky a posterová sekce
15:30 až 17:00 přednášky a diskuse
18:30 až 20:30 společenský večer

11. 8. 2011

8:30 až 10:30 přednášky
11:00 až 12:30 přednášky a posterová sekce
13:30 až 15:00 přednášky a diskuse
15:30 až 17:00 přednášky a závěrečná diskuse
17:00 ukončení konference

Doprovodné akce:
výstava Inspirujte se! (Be Inspired!), zapůjčená British Council Czech Republic a film Going Green, který poskytla British Embassy Prague, výstava prací doktorandů FAST VUT v rámci posterové sekce konference.

Organizační garanti konference:
prof. Tariq Muneer, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
doc. Jitka Mohelníková, Vysoké učení technické v Brně, ČR

Bližší informace na:  



Alfami, G. University of Florence, Italy, Daylight distribution and thermo-physical evaluation of new facade components through a test cell for the overheating control in Mediterranean Climate

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Budiaková, M. Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia, Solar systems of passive office building

Bukolská, K. VELUX, CR, Daylight – essential part of the Active Houses energy concept

Celik, A. N. Abant Izzet Baysal University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Bolu, Turkey, Analysis of solar radiation data measured at the southern region of Turkey and conversion from horizontal to a sloped surface

Chwieduk, D. Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, ISES Europe Availability of solar energy on a building envelope

Darula, S. et al. Slovak Academy of Sciences, Light transmission due to the tubular light guide indoor cover

Dudová, J., Doležalová, H. Masaryk University, CR, Requirements for Lighting in Legal Regulations

Jadraque Gago, E., Ordóñez García, J.,Espín Estrella, A. at. al., Universidad de Granada, Spain, Solar PV roof systems at housing sector in Andalusia

McGilligan, C., Natarajan, S.,Nikolopoulou, M., The University of Bath, The University of Kent, UK, Comparing energy avings from adaptive comfort standards in future UK climates using a new metric: the Adaptive Comfort Degree-Day

Garnier, C. Edinburgh Napier University, UK, Solar thermal collector module for houses and flats

Geletka, V., Sedláková, A. Technical University Košice, Slovakia, Impact of g-value of glazing on energy consumption of buildings

Grassie, T. Edinburgh Naper University, UK, Optimum design of a PV driven transpired plate solar air heater for drying woodchip in Scotland

He, J. Z., Ng, E. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China, Using satellite data to predict sky types and zenith luminance in Hong Kong

Hraška, J., Slovak Technical University, Slovakia Criteria of daylighting and sunlight access in sustainable construction evaluation systems

Ivanova, S., University for Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy in Sofia, Bulgaria, Estimation of solar radiation for complex architectural layouts

Kalousek, M. Brno University of Technology, CR, Solar house and passive cooling

Kambezidis, H. D. et al. National Observatory of Athens, Athens, Greece, The solar dimming effect over the Mediterranean region

Khalid, A., Anjum, S., NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan, Photovoltaic Based Electricity Production Potential Assessment of a Pakistani City

Kaňka, J., Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Technical Standard ČSN 7305 81 Insolation of Buildings and Outdoor Spaces – Method for Determining Values

Kocifaj, M., Slovak Academy of Sciences, SR, Blurring the differences between neighbouring sky types due to multiple scattering of light

Kocifaj, M., Darula, S., Kittler, R., Slovak Academy of Sciences, SR, Transmission properties of light pipes for diffuse light and direct sunbeams

Köster, H. KÖSTER, Lichtplanung, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Dynamic Daylighting Architecture

Kómar, L., Darula, S., Rusnák, A., Slovak Academy of Sciences, SR, Contribution to the spectral measurements of daylight

Kudish, A. Evseev, E. G., Solar Energy Laboratory, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, The beam and diffuse fractions of solar UVB radiation and its implication regarding outdoor sun protection

Kunc, J. ABB s.r.o., APWA/Elektro–Praga, Czech Republic, Energy savings according to standard EN 15232:2007

Li, D. H. W., Lam, T. N. T., Cheung, K. L. The City University of Hong Kong, China, Average daylight factor under various skies and external environments

Li, D. H. W., Lam, T. N. T., Cheung, K. L. The City University of Hong Kong, China, Determination of indoor daylight illuminance from vertical component

Mayhoub, M., Carter, D. J. The University of Liverpool, UK, Satellite data-based methods to predict global luminous efficacy

Mayhoub, M., Carter, D. J. The University of Liverpool, UK, A model to estimate diffused luminous efficacy based on satellite

McGilligan, C. et al. The University of Bath, University of Kent, UK, Comparison of energy savings achievable by Adaptive Comfort standards using the Adaptive Comfort Degree-Day

Minea, A. Technical University Gh. Asachi, Romania, CFD Techniques for Outlining Convection and Radiation in a Closed Domain

Muneer, T., Tham, Y. W. Edinburgh Napier University, UK, Sol-air temperature projections for the UK building industries

Ostrý, M. et al. Brno University of Technology, CR, Solar systems with integrated latent heat storage systems

Plch, et. al. Czech Lighting Society, CR, Colour and daylight

Plšek, D. Hydro Building Systems GmbH Germany, Computer model of natural ventilation through double turn outward parallel window

Pop, F. et al. Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Passive tubular daylight guidance and photovoltaic systems, energy saving potential in residential buildings in Romania

Sokanský, K. et. al. Czech Lighting Society, Technical University Ostrava, CR, Payback and investment costs of photovoltaic power plants

Šikula, O., Plášek, J., Měrka, V. Brno University of Technology, CR, Simulation of the influence of shielding surrounding to use solar energy for air conditioning

Šikula, O. et al. Brno University of Technology, CR, Thermal evaluation of tubular light guides

Škramlik, J., Novotný, M. Brno University of Technology, CR, Distribution of moisture in building construction

Zahiri, S., Altan, H. The University of Sheffield, UK, Optimizing Daylight Distribution in School Buildings in Iran