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Číslo 12/2021 vyšlo tiskem 1. 12. 2021. V elektronické verzi na webu ihned. 

Téma: Měření, zkoušení, péče o jakost

Trh, obchod, podnikání
Na co si dát pozor při změně dodavatele energie?

Číslo 6/2021 vyšlo tiskem
29. 11. 2021. V elektronické verzi na webu ihned.

Poslední zasedání redakční rady časopisu Světlo?
Ing. Jiří Novotný šéfredaktorem časopisu Světlo od jeho založení

Z odborného tisku
Nový datový formát pro popis svítidel

New technology makes artificial intelligence more private and portable

15. 11. 2017 | University of Waterloo | uwaterloo.ca

Technology developed at the University of Waterloo is paving the way for artificial intelligence (AI) to break free of the internet and cloud computing.

New deep-learning AI software produced with that technology is compact enough to fit on mobile computer chips for use in everything from smartphones to industrial robots. That would allow devices to operate independent of the internet while using AI that performs almost as well as tethered neural networks.

Deep-learning AI

Researchers took a page from evolutionary forces in nature to make that AI far more efficient by placing it in a virtual environment, then progressively and repeatedly depriving it of resources. The deep-learning AI responds by adapting and changing itself to keep functioning each time computational power and memory are taken away.

Read more at University of Waterloo

Image Credit: Pexels
